I was invited to participate in the Dignavidad International Invitational Poster Exhibition 2020 in Ecuador. Posters were exhibited during the Christmas Celebration in the month of December in a number of cities in the province of Imbabura, Ecuador, and in the city of Yakarta, Indonesia. The theme/title of the exhibition was “Pandemic Christmas.”
“Unhappy Holidays”
The posters were purposefully exhibited in large, open, public spaces, which was appropriate given the nature of COVID-19 and the dangers of gathering large groups indoors to view artwork. This was eloquently described by Olga Severina in her article for the AIGA Los Angelas on Medium.com about the Exhibition titled “Pandemic Christmas. Creatives are Coming!”: “these artworks traded in the glamour of the exhibition halls for the freedom and safety of the open spaces where they’ve been seen by the public.”
The Medium.com article can be seen here: